Trampolines are an incredible source of fun and fitness, however the rise of the mighty trampoline park from just 3 in the UK in 2014 to over 200 at the end of 2017 has also shown a significant rise in accidents with over 1,200 Ambulance call outs in the last 12 months... Sounds worrying doesn’t it…!

Well, as you can imagine this is making trampolining authorities and governing bodies take a long hard look at this popular past time and how it can remain a safe communal activity… Don’t worry the pitch fork posse isn’t in action just yet… But, they surely will be if no action is taken… I’m being a little dramatic, but you get my drift… There are now pioneers in the industry looking to scrap and redefine the policies within every park and become a trailblazer much like ourselves!

trampoline park

There are some interesting statistics and the recent studies have shown that accidents happening in parks are predominantly due to process and procedures issues rather than functionality! This highlights a significant difference in volume and severity of injuries at trampoline parks versus residential trampolines.

At Springfree Trampoline, we consider ourselves a trampoline safety veteran and we are beyond pleased to see others in the industry taking this as serious as we always have… This has led Springfree to form a holy alliance and partnership with, in our opinion, the first trampoline park in the UK to build its parks completely on the ethos of safe play. Hooray!

Oxygen FreeJumping are rapidly becoming the largest trampoline park in the UK developing a whole new operating model and some fantastic USP’s, (sounds familiar) not to mention a place to see a Springfree Trampoline… Springfree being the World’s Safest, most innovative and best quality trampoline, our affiliation can help challenge the status-quo on the ‘under-fire’ trampoline parks and champion the attributes needed for both commercial and residential Jumping Fun!