
Trampolining in general is the perfect activity for every child’s development. Not only is it fun, but it forces the body and the brain to work together and improves coordination, balance, and overall motor skills. Keep reading to find out the top five benefits trampolining has on those with special needs.

Improves Fitness

Bouncing on a trampoline helps with the circulation of oxygen around their bodies which helps to increase energy. With regular bouncing they will find themselves to be more energetic and less likely to become poorly.

Improves Co-ordination, Posture and Balance

Regular bouncing helps kids to tune into their bodies, aiding the improvement of their coordination and dexterity in different ways. Trampolining is also a great way to improve their posture and balance, helping them to understand their physical limits and how they can control their body in the safest way possible. With the development of these certain skills, it would provide them with more confidence in their day to day lives.


Stimulation of the Senses

Trampolining helps provide active sensory stimulation that benefits kids with special needs and sensory disorders. It helps them to understand their environments around them. This movement will allow their bodies to build nerve connections to the brain, improving cognitive growth and 


developing their motor skills to help them carry out everyday tasks. By stimulating their senses and taking part in sensory play it can also develop their memory and help to improve their problem-solving skills. Specifically, research and practises have shown that children with autism can benefit from sensory integration therapy, and trampolines are an easy and effective way to help with this!

Strengthens bones and limbs

Using a trampoline can help with the prevention of osteoporosis and other bone diseases, as jumping improves bone mineral content and builds the musculoskeletal system. Being outside on your 

trampoline also helps with getting natural Vitamin D through the Sun.  As trampolines are more sock absorbent than jumping on the ground it helps to reduce the chance of becoming injured.

Builds self-confidence

When bouncing on a trampoline it causes the release of endorphins, which is the ‘feel good’ hormone that helps to boost moods and increase your confidence! Exercise also causes the release 

of dopamine which helps them to feel happier and cheerful. By building your kid’s confidence it helps them to become more likely to succeed in school and meet their personal life goals. It will help to improve their self-image and resist peer pressure through the early stages of their life.

We hope this blog will help families to understand the benefits of trampolining for kids with special needs, specifically Springfree Trampolines! We are the safest option, and we CARE about our customers and their stories! If you need any more information on our trampolines read one of our other blogs or give us a call: 01276 477461!
