
There is no fool-proof manual or golden rule to raising kids to be healthy and happy. Unfortunately, they don’t come with instructions (wouldn’t that be nice)! There are so many important reasons for kids to be active. Studies show that there aren’t just physical benefits, but activity also helps with metal well-being.

Mental Benefits:

Studies show that regular physical activity supports brain development by improving memory, concentration, and a positive outlook. Research shows that kids who run for 15-45 minutes before school are less distracted and perform better. Well, according to NASA, bouncing on a trampoline for 10 minutes is equivalent to a 30-minute run! Why not start or end your day with a bounce? Or both! When you’re bouncing on a trampoline your motor skills and coordination are improving which helps to improve brain functions which aids and boosts mental well-being.


Laughter is the best medicine!

From physical and mental health there are loads of reasons why people say that ‘laughter is the best medicine’. Even science shows that laughter is good for you! Laughter increases endorphins: these hormones are the ‘feel-good’ hormones. Studies show that laughter can often improve your immune system, relieve pain, increase your ability to connect with other people and reduce feelings of depression and anxiety.

The Mayo Clinic says laughter can cause changes to your body due to stimulation of your heart, muscles, and lungs. Laughter and smiling are contagious, and we all know from experience it feels good to share fits of laughter with your kids! So, it’s time to get yourself, and your family, laughing together more!


Physical Benefits:

Trampolines are a great way to boost your cardiovascular health, improve endurance and reduce levels of stress. Trampolines help to develop your balance, coordination, and motor skills. Bouncing on a trampoline is an aerobic way of exercising which means your fitness and strength will increase, reduce health risks, strengthen your heart, and keep your arteries clear!


Help your kids to be their best selves with a Springfree Trampoline. We engineer the safety, and you engineer the fun! If you have any questions or want to find out more give us a call – 01276 477461